Stephanie Carroll reports: The Churchill County School District denied that student records are being disposed illegally, an allegation made recently by information protection professional Tom Considine during his radio show “Who Complys.” Considine said CCSD employees contacted him last year asking about proper disposal of student records, claiming the district dumps special education and psychological…
Category: Exposure
FL: AT&T Info Dumped In Local’s Recycle Bin
As I noted earlier this month in discussing ABC’s coverage of firms just dumping paper records without shredding them, Florida law doesn’t seem to prohibit such disposal. Now there’s another story out of Florida, this one covered by News4Jax, that also involves improper disposal of personal and financial information on hundreds of people: Jessica Menendez…
HMRC mails wrong private info to 50,000 19,000 taxpayers
John Oates reports on another black eye for HMRC: Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs apologised today for sending out private information to 50,000 tax credit recipients. One taxpayer who contacted The Register said: “We received our tax credit notice with our National Insurance details but on the back were two strangers’ work, childcare and pay…
LifeLock Worries About Employee’s Personal Data, Asks New Times to Alter Published Police Report
Ray Stern reports: Lame! LifeLock, the so-called identity-theft “protection” company based in Tempe we wrote about last week, called us in a tizzy yesterday — worried about the accidental publication of one its employees’ personal data. This is the type of situation LifeLock would never put in a press release, but we’re more than happy…
Lincoln: technology issues exposed customer data since 2002
It was a series of technology issues, dating back to 2002, that Lincoln National Life Insurance and Lincoln Life & Annuity say resulted in the potential exposure of personal information of customers to other clients and their agents. In a letter dated May 17 to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, attorneys for Lincoln explain…
Over 4,500 logins uploaded to open source content site
Dan Raywood reports: Over 4,500 logins have been published on a 77 page document on a shared content website. Chris Boyd, malware researcher at Sunbelt Software, claimed that as Scribd allows users to share written content online, converting PowerPoint, PDFs and Word documents into web documents that can be viewed through sites such as Facebook…