Sam Penrod reports: Personal information including bank account and social security numbers was free for anyone to steal near the dumpster of a Draper real estate office Friday. North Star Realty says they were thrown out by accident. Read more on KSL
Category: Exposure
Attorney General Abbott Charges Edinburg Fitness Center With Identity Theft Prevention Act Violations
If somebody hasn’t formed a fan club for Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, they really should. He is one of the absolute best AG’s when it comes to going after companies that breach privacy by improper disposal of sensitive records or who fail to protect personal information. From a press release last week (via…
CA: Client data from mortgage broker found in trash
Jeff Overly reports: Folders with personal information for numerous clients of a local mortgage broker sat for days at a public recycling site, overflowing from the tops of several bins in an apparently glaring identity theft risk. The files contained bank account statements, completed tax forms, credit reports and Social Security numbers, among other information,…
Ca: Ryerson software error exposes limited amount of personal information
Ryerson University today initiated a plan to notify individuals whose personal information may have been exposed due to an isolated software error discovered in the University’s Student Administration System (SAS) which went live with an upgrade on November 17, 2008. Ryerson became aware of the incident when three students voluntarily contacted the University and provided…
How many strikes before they’re out?
A tip of my cap to Jai Vijayan of Computerworld, who in the process of digging into the second recent University of Florida breach realized that the university had had a third breach in the past three months that hadn’t made the media. Three breaches in three months sounds pretty bad, but it sounds even…
UK: Customers’ personal data sent to stranger
Ian Robson reports: A finance company has admitted sending confidential information about customers, including their bank account numbers, to a stranger. Fiat Financial Services had sent a credit agreement to motorist Darren Wright after he bought a car. But they also posted the private details of five other customers who had applied for a loan….