There’s a follow-up to a breach previously noted on this site. The Telegram reports: St. John’s lawyer Bob Buckingham has filed a class-action lawsuit against Kiewit Energy for a privacy breach which happened earlier this year. According to the statement of claim and an accompanying news release, a laptop containing personal payroll information for Kiewit…
Category: Theft
Falciani court date set over bank data theft charges reports that a former HSBC employee is closer to standing trial on data theft charges in a case that has had international repercussions: The ex-HSBC employee accused of stealing secret data from Swiss bank accounts is to go on trial in Switzerland in October. Hervé Falciani worked in IT at the bank’s Geneva branch…
Update: SterlingBackcheck breach impacted 100,000
On August 4, this site reported a stolen laptop containing background checks. The laptop belonged to SterlingBackcheck, and was stolen from an employee’s car. More details on the numbers are starting to emerge. Today, we learned that the firm updated its report to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s to indicate that 734 New Hampshire residents…
Former U.S. Postal Service Employee Sentenced To Federal Prison For Theft Of Postal Funds And Identity Theft
BATON ROUGE, LA –United States Attorney Walt Green announced that Chief U.S. District Judge Brian A. Jackson sentenced LARONDA D. MOORE, age 38, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, yesterday to serve 32 months in federal prison for her conviction for aggravated identity theft and misappropriation of postal funds. Following her release from prison, MOORE will be…
UK: ICO issues £180,000 civil monetary penalty in wake of data breaches
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued civil monetary penalty (CMP) of £180,000 to the Money Shop in the wake of two incidents in 2014 that led to a fuller investigation of the Money Shop’s data protection policies and procedures. As described in the notice, on April 16, 2014, a Money Shop store in Lurgan, Northern Ireland was…
Ca: Electronic devices containing bureaucrats’ personal information stolen from government office
It’s probably diagnostic that I still get excited when I see a report that data on stolen devices were encrypted. Michael Woods reports: Someone broke in to a government building earlier this year and made off with electronic devices containing the personal information of 260 government workers, newly released documents show – a privacy breach…