has an update to the Purchasing Power LLC lawsuit filed by Winn-Dixie employee Patrick Burrows that I’ve blogged about in the past. Burrows had sued Purchasing Power LLC after they had an insider data breach. Law360 reports that Purchasing Power has agreed to pay $430,000 to settle the complaint: In a settlement motion filed…
Category: Business Sector
Japanese web portals hacked, up to 100,000 accounts compromised
Jay Alabaster reports: Two of Japan’s major Internet portals were hacked earlier this week, with one warning that as many as 100,000 user accounts were compromised, including financial details. Goo, a Japanese Internet portal owned by network operator NTT, said it had no choice but to lock 100,000 accounts to prevent illicit logins. The company…
Debunking claims that Mossad’s database was leaked
In a blog post on March 24, I expressed my profound skepticism over claims that Mossad’s database of agents had been hacked and/or leaked. Today, HuHu points me to a blog post in which the more likely source of the leaked data is revealed. The tagged email addresses in the leaked data suggest to HuHu…
FTC lawsuit against Wyndham moves to New Jersey
I haven’t read the court document yet, but Law360 alerts us that Wyndham won a round in court and succeeded in getting the FTC’s lawsuit moved to New Jersey from Arizona.
Finland: Data Protection Ombudsman Critizices Compliance At Finnish Companies
Sakari Aalto discusses findings from a survey conducted by Finland’s Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman. The survey, carried out at the end of 2012, surveyed 74 companies and organizations that had experienced data security breaches during October – December 2011. Aalto writes, in part: In an alarmingly large proportion of companies (30%), the security…
UK: Payday loans firm loses licence over identity theft loans
We don’t see this too often, but lack of adequate security costs this business its business, and the consequences were imposed by a regulator. reports: MCO Capital Limited made loans in the name of 7,000 people whose identity was used by fraudsters without their permission or knowledge. The loans totalled millions of pounds and…