Khadra Glass in Lebanon makes some interesting-looking architectural glass. What doesn’t look so good is their info security. Via Cyber Wars News, a data dump of 20 names, usernames, and clear-text passwords. Really really really sadly, 17 of the passwords are 123456. How can people who are so creative with their art be so uncreative…
Category: Business Sector
Couple stole over 100 identities for credit cards, police say
Trent Faris reports on a couple who may have misused over 100 victims’ personal information: Hall worked for a company called IQOR in Charlotte that handles record keeping for a gas company in Chicago. Police say Hall would write down people’s names date of birth and Social Security numbers on scraps of paper and take…
AU: Computershare ‘breach’ a lesson in information larceny (UPDATED)
Leonie Woods reports: The privacy and financial records of millions of shareholders who use Computershare’s global share registry system were placed at risk this year when a Boston employee quit the company, allegedly taking with her thousands of pages of highly sensitive and confidential documents. [See UPDATE below]. The employee resigned in September last year…
AU: Bad Taste: News Ltd suffers another online breach
Ben Grubb reports: News Limited has suffered another security breach which has resulted in members receiving spam emails and potentially having their passwords exposed., a product of News Limited’s News Magazines, last Friday emailed members to inform them of the breach which “potentially exposed” information about its members via “illegal and unauthorised access to…
500,000 e-mail addresses and passwords acquired: Adidas websites go offline after security breach (UPDATED)
Last night, a regular reader of this blog contacted me about the Adidas breach. I told him, and repeat now, that it’s not clear whether any personal information was involved, which is why I held off on posting anything about. As of this morning, the company doesn’t think personal data has been accessed or acquired,…
Abandoned Jackson Hewitt tax office’s returns put customers at risk
Kathleen Pender reports: A Bay Area woman named Kara got an upsetting call the morning of Oct. 22. The caller said she had found Kara’s 2007 tax return lying in a pile with hundreds of others on the ground in front of an abandoned Jackson Hewitt tax preparation office at 1734 Divisadero St. in San…