From the your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine dept. On December 22, Seibels Bruce Group notified the New Hampshire Attorney General of breach. I’m pretty sure they were describing a hack, but from their wording, I suppose it’s possible that someone wandered into their offices and just browsed through their file cabinets. See what you think when you read the…
Category: Business Sector
Stolen RoadSafe Traffic Systems laptops put employee data at risk
RoadSafe‘s home page proclaims, “At RoadSafe, we are focused on roadway safety. Protecting people and property.” It is somewhat ironic, then, that RoadSafe employees had their data stolen on the road. As reported to the New Hampshire Attorney General on November 26th: On November 11, 2008, a laptop belonging to a RoadSafe employee was stolen…
Vonage customer data on Google Notebook
With all the advice we see these days about hardening security, this might be a good time to remember the importance of both having stringent security standards written into any contractor agreements and actually monitoring compliance with any contracts or policies. A recent breach reported by Vonage serves as a useful example. On December 23,…
Lehigh Hanson payroll data exposed on the Web
Building materials supplier Lehigh Hanson notified the New Hampshire Attorney General on December 8th of a breach involving employee payroll data. The breach began with a former employee downloading data to take with him to a new employer. The downloaded data, however, turned out to be more than just the forms and templates the employee…
Malware blamed in latest SAIC breach
Science Applications International Corporation (“SAIC”), recipient of a number of large government contracts, notified the New Hampshire Attorney General on December 9th of a security breach involving malware. The specific malware was not named, but was described as “designed to provide backdoor access.” The breach was detected on October 28th. In its letter to an…
Over 2,220 North Pacific Group employees affected by stolen computers
A burglary at the Portland, Oregon offices of North Pacific Group over the recent Thanksgiving weekend resulted in the theft of several laptops and other computer equipment. As described in a letter to the New Hampshire Attorney General dated December 23l, two of the stolen computers: … stored files containing names, addresses, Social Security numbers,…