Catalin Cimpanu writes: A well-known hacker has leaked this week the details of more than 2.28 million users registered on, a dating website founded in 2014, ZDNet has learned this week from a security researcher. The dating site’s data has been shared as a free download on a publicly accessible hacking forum known for its trade…
Category: Business Sector
In: Telcos want govt to clarify onus of security breach post NSD rollout
PTI reports: Telcos have asked the government to clarify about the entity that will be held liable if there is a security breach in the network post the implementation of National Security Directive (NSD) on the telecom sector, according to industry sources aware of the development. The telecom operators have given their input to the…
IA: Landus Cooperative files lawsuit against two former employees and New Cooperative
Coltrane Carlson reports: Landus Cooperative has filed a lawsuit against two former employees and New Cooperative. The lawsuit that was filed in the U.S. Northern District of Central Iowa Court and names two former employees Jeffrey Headley and Brian Berns, along with New Cooperative in 13 counts for alleged theft and misappropriation of confidential information…
Already in receivership, Nygard hit with ransomware that permanently compromised their IT system
Here’s a ransomware incident that left me wondering whether the attackers — who have not been identified — had researched their victim before attacking and establishing their ransom demands. Read the breach notice, below, published this month, and then a media report on the attack that appears after that. ———————– WINNIPEG, MB, Jan. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – …
Tesla Claims Engineer Stole Secrets Just Days Into the Job
Joel Rosenblatt reports: A former Tesla Inc. software engineer was ordered to appear before a judge to face allegations that three days into his job, he started stealing confidential files and transferring them to a personal storage account. During his two-week employment ending Jan. 6, Alex Khatilov stole more than 6,000 scripts, or files of code, that…
SonicWall says it was hacked using zero-days in its own products
Catalin Cimpanu reports: Networking device maker SonicWall said on Friday night that it is investigating a security breach of its internal network after detecting what it described as a “coordinated attack.” In a short statement posted on its knowledgebase portal, the company said that “highly sophisticated threat actors” targeted its internal systems by “exploiting probable zero-day vulnerabilities…