Snatch Team has recently been exploring some novel uses of Telegram. Unlike other groups that use Telegram mainly to list new leaks, Snatch is providing commentaries and analyses of their breaches and more educational materials for readers. Some of their commentaries on specific incidents can be fodder for any lawsuits against the companies or entities…
Category: Business Sector
Real estate markets scramble following cyberattack on listings provider
Dan Goodin reports: Home buyers, sellers, real estate agents, and listing websites throughout the US have been stymied for five days by a cyberattack on a California company that provides a crucial online service used to track home listings. The attack, which commenced last Wednesday, hit Rapottoni, a software and services provider that supplies Multiple Listing…
ShopBack fined S$74,400 for data breach of over a million users
Zhao Yifan reports a follow-up to an incident previously noted on this site. Ecommerce Enablers, which operates the online shopping service platform ShopBack, was fined S$74,400 for its failure to safeguard users’ personal data. The data breach incident happened on Sep 9, 2020 when a malicious threat actor accessed Ecommerce Enablers’ storage server with a…
LinkedIn accounts hacked in widespread hijacking campaign
Bill Toulas reports: LinkedIn is being targeted in a wave of account hacks resulting in many accounts being locked out for security reasons or ultimately hijacked by attackers. As reported today by Cyberint, many LinkedIn users have been complaining about the account takeovers or lockouts and an inability to resolve the problems through LinkedIn support. “Some… confirms breach after hacker steals data of 760K users
Data allegedly from 760,000 registered users was listed for sale yesterday on a popular hacking forum. By the end of the day, had confirmed a breach. Lawrence Abrams reports: The custom invite service has temporarily shut down after suffering a data breach exposing the information of 760,000 members. is not an…
Three managers picked up; 2 others invited for breaching Ghana data protection law
GNA reports: Three managers were arrested on Monday by the Data Protection Commission (DPC) and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service for breaching the Data Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843). The three institutions are Hisense, an electronic goods dealership, Marwako Fast Foods and Agyabeng Akrasi and Co Limited, a law firm….