Alison Frankel writes: The adultery-encouraging website Ashley Madison is now facing at least five U.S. class actions by users who claim the site failed to protect their confidential information from hackers who have since dumped their names, addresses and sexual predilections onto the Internet. The good news for people burned in the Ashley Madison attack:…
Category: Business Sector
Aviva ‘revenge’ phone hacker jailed for 18 months
BBC reports: A man has been jailed for 18 months for hacking into 900 phones belonging to the insurance company Aviva. Richard Neale, 40, pleaded guilty to carrying out the attack as revenge after falling out with colleagues. He was previously a director at Esselar, a company contracted by Aviva to run its security network….
John McAfee: Ashley Madison database stolen by lone female who worked for Avid Life Media
John McAfee opines: Yes, it is true. Ashley Madison was not hacked – the data was stolen by a woman operating on her own who worked for Avid Life Media. The reason that I am so late to the second act of the Ashley Madison affair is that, without a supercomputer, it has taken over…
Is United Airlines’ Mobile App Secure Enough?
Back in January, United Airlines suspended some Mileage Plus members’ accounts for what they claimed was a breach involving a third party that enabled an attacker to use login credentials to access members’ accounts. Now they may have another problem affecting their Mileage Plus program, it seems. Yosi Dahan of Turrisio writes: During our recent…
Leaked AshleyMadison Emails Suggest Execs Hacked Competitors
Brian Krebs reports: Hacked online cheating service is portraying itself as a victim of malicious cybercriminals, but leaked emails from the company’s CEO suggests that AshleyMadison’s top leadership hacked into a competing dating service in 2012. Late last week, the Impact Team — the hacking group that has claimed responsibility for leaking personal data on more than 30 million AshleyMadison users…
FTC claims victory in Wyndham case; Appellate court upholds authority to enforce data security
Commissioner Julie Brill of the FTC has claimed victory in Wyndham’s appeal in the Third Circuit: Big news: FTC wins Third Circuit Wyndham appeal. Inadequate data security can be unfair under FTC Act & companies have adequate notice. — Julie Brill (@JulieBrillFTC) August 24, 2015 “Big news: FTC wins Third Circuit Wyndham appeal. Inadequate data…