HHS Cybersecurity Program has issued another alert and whitepaper report (202202280900): Executive Summary Leading up to Russia’s unprovoked attack against Ukraine, threat actors deployed destructive malware against organizations in Ukraine to destroy computer systems and render them inoperable. Destructive malware can present a direct threat to an organization’s daily operations, impacting the availability of critical…
Category: Commentaries and Analyses
Preparing for Cyberattacks and Limiting Liability
Lani M. Duffy and Richard A. Walawender of Miller Canfield write: The U.S. government and military experts have been warning U.S. companies that Russia may launch significant cyberattacks against critical infrastructure, financial institutions and businesses in retaliation for the sanctions imposed against Russia. Last week, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (established in 2018 under…
Airline Sues to Stop Popular Web-Scraping Service–American Airlines v. The Points Guy
Kieran McCarthy writes: Those interested in web scraping legal issues had high hopes that the Supreme Court’s opinion in Van Buren v. United States last summer would provide clear guidelines on which types of online data access were permissible and which were not. And while most would agree that the Supreme Court avoided a worst-case scenario with its…
ContiLeaks providing new insights and evidence against Conti
It almost felt like Christmas came early in a winter of despair. As noted yesterday, a Conti member who appears furious with Conti for its statement supporting Russia started dumping internal records from Conti with a statement ending, “Glory to Ukraine!” The leak was first reported on Twitter by VX-Underground: Conti ransomware group previously put…
Conti and Karma actors attack healthcare provider at same time through ProxyShell exploits
I’ve occasionally seen evidence that one victim was hit by more than one group or threat actor, but Sophos provides the most detailed reporting I’ve ever seen on one such incident. Sean Gallagher takes us through the saga that impacted a healthcare provider in Canada hit by two separate ransomware groups — Karma and Conti….
Conti ransomware gang chats leaked by pro-Ukrainian member
Catalin Cimpanu reports: A member of the Conti ransomware group, believed to be Ukrainian of origin, has leaked the gang’s internal chats after the group’s leaders posted an aggressive pro-Russian message on their official site, on Friday, in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The message appears to have rubbed Conti’s Ukrainian members the…