David Kitchen writes: If you work at a typical company, employee actions and inadvertent disclosures present the greatest threat to the security of your data. Therefore, providing proper training and technical safeguards is one of the most important means to enhance your company’s security profile. In BakerHostetler’s newly-released 2018 Data Security Incident Response Report, we…
Category: Commentaries and Analyses
States Increase HIPAA Enforcement
Elliot Golding and Jennifer Tharp of Squire Patton Boggs write: Overview of Recent Settlement Actions Recent Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) enforcement settlements for Virtual Medical Group (“VMG”) in New Jersey and EmblemHealth in New York may signal a broader trend of increased state HIPAA enforcement. Under the Health Information Technology for Economic…
Fasthealth Security incident continues to leak out and confuse the public
The FastHealth breach is confusing the heck out of patients and employees. I’m getting inquiries from folks who are understandably suspicious because they never heard of the firm or can’t figure out how their details got caught up in this all. Others see news reports and realize that an entity has no connection to them,…
AU: No charges over secret documents found in second hand cabinet
No charges? No surprise. Canberra News reports: No charges will be laid by Federal Police following the investigation into the discovery of classified documents in a cabinet from a Canberra second-hand store. An AFP spokesman says thorough investigation has been conducted and no further action will be taken. The papers, from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s department…
Florence school system gets first ever IT report
If you care about data security in k-12, read this news report by Lisa Singleton-Rickman of TimesDaily concerning an Alabama school district. I think it serves as a useful example of what we’re up against. Start with the fact that the state does not require any IT audits in k-12 districts. Don’t ask, don’t tell? But Florence…
Seventh Circuit Reinstates Barnes & Noble Data Breach Class Action
Edward J. McAndrew of Ballard Spahr reports: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has reinstated a data breach class action filed against Barnes & Noble (B&N). The litigation, styled as Dieffenbach v. Barnes & Noble, Inc., now heads back to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, which previously dismissed the…