Is a young man’s prosecution in Australia somehow connected to hacking charges filed against Lauri Love in the U.S.? It may be. This is Part 2 of a series, “Three men affiliated with Anonymous Australia facing jail time.” Part 1 described the case of Mathew Hutchison (“Rax”). In this part, looks at the prosecution of “Absantos,” whose…
Category: Commentaries and Analyses
UK public bodies leaked confidential information 150+ times
Jon Martindale writes: … public bodies including the NHS, government departments, police and local councils, have leaked data unsuspectingly over 150 times in the past six years. These statistics were dug up by, an organisation which helps people make requests of local government and other bodies to find out what information they hold on individuals. Through…
Schefter says he “could and should have done more” before posting JPP medical records
Mike Florio writes that ESPN’s Adam Schefter has commented on the controversy over his tweeting a hospital medical record concerning Jason Pierre-Paul: The four-letter network issued a seven-word statement defending the move on Wednesday night, and Schefter previously said nothing about the situation. He has now addressed the matter with Richard Deitsch of “I know news…
NYS: Audit of Roswell Park Cancer Institute for ePHI security
NYS Comptroller DiNapoli’s Office released an audit of Roswell Park Cancer Institute’s security for ePHI under the requirements of HITECH. The summary reports: The institute has taken many steps to safeguard its electronic protected health information (ePHI) and meet security requirements. In addition, auditors found the institute has adequate protection policies in place and a plan to make…
Customers of Anthem say ID theft proliferating
On Thursday, I had this exchange with @dapnwmomster on Twitter: @PogoWasRight Many Anthem customers had their info used by hackers filing false tax returns – the identity protection they provided FAILED. — Wendy G (@dapnwmomster) July 9, 2015 @dapnwmomster I’m not sure how plaintiffs can prove the info used in fraudulent filings was from Anthem given…
AZ: Court audit shows limited security breach of files
Raquel Hendrickson reports: An independent review of sealed court files in Pinal County turned up a much lower number of incidents of unauthorized access than the Clerk of the Court alleged, but still showed a breach. A review team from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) found 6 percent of 732 criminal cases may…