IT-Online reports: Mobile security breaches have affected 58% of South African organisations in the last 12 months. Despite this, they are still not taking sufficient security measures to protect themselves against mobile threats, such as lost or stolen devices and malware infections. In fact, the new study from BT reveals that more than two fifths…
Category: Commentaries and Analyses
Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Releases Data Breach Report; 18.5 Million Californians’ Personal Information Put at Risk
From California’s Attorney General: LOS ANGELES – Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today released the second annual report detailing the 167 data breaches reported to the Attorney General’s office in 2013 that impacted18.5 million Californians by putting their personal information at risk. The report is accompanied by recommendations from the Attorney General for consumers, businesses…
These Are The Hacker Groups That Should Be Keeping You Up At Night
Natasha Bertrand reports: In light of recent hacks, you might be interested in the groups that pose the greatest threats to our cybersecurity. Ironically, the hacker groups that you should be afraid of also have the least intimidating names. Deep Panda, Putter Panda, and Flying Kitten have been listed by security technology firm CrowdStrike as the groups to…
Continuing Federal Cyber Breaches Warn Against Cybersecurity Regulation
David Inserra and Paul Rosenzweig write: Recent high-profile private-sector hacks have once again put a spotlight on the issue of cybersecurity.[1] This is a serious problem that requires legislation to improve the United States’ cybersecurity posture, but the U.S. should not reflexively adopt government regulation of cyberspace as a solution. There are concerns that such…
Researchers identify sophisticated Chinese cyberespionage group
Ellen Nakashima reports: A coalition of security researchers has identified a Chinese cyberespionage group that appears to be the most sophisticated of any publicly known Chinese hacker unit and targets not only U.S. and Western government agencies but also dissidents inside and outside China. News of the state-sponsored hacker group dubbed Axiom comes a week…
The OIG revealed that the FDA’s computer network is vulnerable to a potential data breach
Elizabeth Snell reports: A recent audit by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) revealed that the Food and Drug Administration’s (FD) computer network is vulnerable to a potential data breach. The news is especially critical as almost exactly one year ago it was discovered that the FDA’s online submission system was breached by an…