Tom Webb reports: Two months into the Target security breach, fraud is turning up on 10 percent to 15 percent of the stolen card accounts, a security specialist says. Based on that brisk level of criminal activity, one Wall Street analyst estimates that perhaps 5 million of the 40 million stolen credit and debit cards…
Category: Commentaries and Analyses
California Attorney General Files Lawsuit Based on Late Breach Notification
Yesterday, I noted that California’s Attorney General was suing Kaiser over a breach that was discovered in 2011 but not disclosed to those affected until months later. David Navetta of InformationLawGroup has some interesting commentary and analysis of the lawsuit, focusing on the provisions of California law that provide: The disclosure shall be made in…
Five steps to take if you’ve become a victim of ID theft
Over on, Kimberly Rotter wrote a tips article, “5 Steps to Take Immediately If You’ve Been a Victim of Identity Theft.” The article was also reproduced on Lifehacker. To briefly summarize the article, it lists some examples of identity theft and then recommends the following five actions (with additional info on each of the following):…
NY: Audit of charter school finds serious IT security deficiencies
As I’ve done before, this post highlights the findings of a NYS Comptroller’s Office audit on information technology and data security. Previous audits posted on this blog have looked at public school districts and universities. This one involves a charter school – Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School in Rochester. The school was established in 2000…
2013 Was the Worst Year for Data Breaches in Terms of Records Breached
DJ Pangburn reports: The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) yesterday announced its 2014 Data Protection & Breach Readiness Guide, and within it were some statistics that truly boggle the mind. Working on data from the Open Security Foundation and the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, the OTA estimated that over 740 million online records were exposed in 2013,…
Court guts much of class action lawsuit against Sony over data breach, but some claims remain
An order handed down yesterday by a federal judge in the Southern District of California in In re: SONY GAMING NETWORKS AND CUSTOMER DATA SECURITY BREACH LITIGATION gutted much of the plaintiffs’ lawsuit against Sony over their 2011 PlayStation hack, but allows some important claims to go forward. As background, Judge Battaglia summarized the litigation in the First…