NetDiligence has released its 2013 report on “Cyber Liability & Data Breach Insurance Claims” based on actual claims submitted: This report summarizes our findings for a sampling of 145 data breach insurance claims, 140 of which involved the exposure of sensitive data in a variety of sectors, including government, healthcare, hospitality, financial services, professional services, retail and…
Category: Commentaries and Analyses
Resource: Cyber Arrest Tracker
Lee Johnstone has created another resource for us all: a cyber arrest tracker. The chart includes the individuals’ names, screen names, criminal indictments, and other details. The tracker already has 83 entries in it. Check it out and bookmark it here. URL updated to reflect new dedicated domain.
When you try to confirm or disconfirm a claimed hack, Thursday edition
As regular readers know, I often try to confirm or disconfirm claimed hacks before just repeating what I see or read elsewhere. And I generally use a notification feature to let me know whether my requests have been delivered and/or read. Here’s an example of why people may be frustrated or just say “screw it”…
Arts Block website suffers hack attacks
Of course, there are a gadzillion hacks of smaller sites going on every week, but this one caught my eye. Richie Davis reports: When Ed Wierzbowski bought Greenfield’s Arms Block and the former Franklin Savings Institution to bring high-profile musical performances to local audiences, the last thing he imagined having to deal with was Indonesian…
Reply Brief Filed in United States v. Auernheimer
Orin Kerr writes: Readers who are following the Weev case, aka United States v. Auernheimer, the Third Circuit appeal I am litigating pro bono, might be interested to know that we filed our reply brief today. You can read the reply brief here.
Investigative report by Brian Krebs leads to more questions for Experian from Senator Rockfeller
At least one member of Congress is paying attention. Senator Jay Rockefeller has written to Experian, requesting more details on security issues first reported by Brian Krebs. Brian has more on the latest developments here. I suspect that Senator Rockefeller is not aware of the FTC complaint I filed about Experian data breaches last year….