Yesterday, a listing appeared on a popular hacking forum offering data for sale that were reported to be from the US Department of Education ( According to the listing, the leaked information includes: “ID, UserID, UserName, MobileNumber, LevelID, ConsumerID, Type, FeedBack, SubjectID, Subject, Replied, Token, Completed, Date, Updated, Deleted, and Origin” DataBreaches contacted the…
Category: Education Sector
TN: Cleveland City Schools face ransomware attack
Courtney Goins reports: Cleveland City Schools faced a ransomware attack this week, but it only affected a small number of devices. The school system said they became aware of the issue on Tuesday, August 15. An issue they say is affecting many other school districts as well. […] Sensitive information is secure offsite, and officials…
Prince George’s County Public Schools responding to cyberattack
Fox5 in D.C. reports Prince George’s County Public Schools revealed Monday its network experienced a cyber attack. The August 14 notice on the district’s website reads: August 14, 2023 – Update on PGCPS Network Outage Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) experienced a cyber attack on the system’s network that was detected early Monday morning, Aug….
Nova Scotia government still unsure of widespread impact from spring cyberattack
Jonathan MacInnis reports: The province of Nova Scotia is still unsure of how widespread the MOVEit security breach is, nearly two-and-a-half months after first becoming aware of the issue. Almost 1000 notifications have been sent out this month. “As you start getting into forensics you can find out that that trail can lead back a…
White House Announces Efforts to Strengthen K-12 Schools’ Cybersecurity
Joseph J. Lazzarotti of JacksonLewis writes: In a 2019 post about increasing cyber risks in K-12 schools, we cited a report, “The State of K-12 Cybersecurity: 2018 Year in Review,” that contained sobering information about cybersecurity in local school districts across the country. According to that report, in 2018, there were 122 publicly-disclosed cybersecurity incidents…
Biden Administration Launches Effort To Defend Schools From Hackers
Eric Geller reports: The Biden administration will host a gathering on Monday to shine a spotlight on a community that urgently needs cybersecurity aid: America’s K-12 schools. School leaders, federal officials and technology executives will convene at the White House to discuss the importance of improving schools’ digital security to prevent hackers from shutting down…