Sherri Borden Colley reports the latest development in a lawsuit filed after an administrative error resulted in “outing” 40,000 medical marijuana users: Lawyers will go before a Federal Court judge in Halifax in June to ask the court to certify a proposed class action on behalf of 40,000 medical marijuana users whose privacy was breached by…
Category: Exposure
HHS Settles Charges Against Cornell Prescription Pharmacy Over Disposal of Records
Cornell Prescription Pharmacy (Cornell) has agreed to settle potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Cornell will pay $125,000 and adopt a corrective action plan to correct deficiencies in its HIPAA compliance program….
OH: Springfield Regional Medical Center patients notified of #HIPAA breach due to mailing error
Katie Wedell reports: Community Mercy Health Partners, operator of the Springfield Regional Medical Center, has alerted patients to a data breach that occurred in February. Invoices for about 2,000 patients containing names, addresses, billing codes such as diagnosis and procedural codes, service dates and locations, and account balances were inadvertently sent to incorrect people. Read more on…
IE: Photocopies of college students’ passports left in a skip on busy street reports: Photocopies of sensitive information belonging to students were left in a skip bag outside a Dublin college. The bag was left outside the Dublin College for Advanced Studies (DCAS), a private college on Dublin’s Capel Street. Speaking to this evening, John Ryan, the director of studies at DCAS said that the files had been left…
Unauthorized access on Minnesota CHOICE site
Oops. Krystal Frazier reports: The Minnesota Department of Corrections has found an error on the Minnesota CHOICE site which allowed 151 people who self-identified as criminal justice professionals, unauthorized access to the names and contact information of up to 7,000 individuals who have registered to use the site. Read more on
Ca: Northwestel customer information exposed on website
CBC reports Northwestel has contacted 25 people to apologize after information from customer requests for digital TV was exposed on its website. The information may have included phone numbers as well as postal and e-mail addresses. Read more on CBC.