John Hudson writes: An IT expert speaking with The New York Times called it a Mission Impossible-like operation. Last month, a team of unidentified hackers accessed information to 200,000 Citigroup bank accounts by simply waltzing through the “front door” of Citigroup’s customer website. The bank came under fire last week for waiting nearly a month before notifying customers…
Category: Financial Sector
Revealed: How Citigroup hackers broke in ‘through the front door’ using bank’s website
Lee Moran reports: Hackers who stole the personal details of more than 200,000 Citigroup customers ‘broke in through the front door’ using an extremely simple technique. It has been called ‘one of the most brazen bank hacking attacks’ in recent years. And for the first time it has been revealed how the sophisticated cyber criminals…
UK: Metro Bank in schoolboy email error snafu
John Leyden reports: Metro Bank, the newly established UK retail bank, has irked its customers with a schoolboy email error. The latest marketing missive from the bank was sent using all the email addresses in to To: field instead of using the bcc (blind carbon copy) field. In the process, the bank disclosed the email…
Stephen Foley: Calm down – despite the data breaches, there’s little actual fraud on the cards
Stephen Foley comments in The Independent on the recent CitiGroup breach and tries to prevent kneejerk reactions. He writes, in part: […] There have been 288 publicly disclosed breaches of financial services companies’ computer systems, according to the Identity Theft Resource Centre, and 83 million customer records compromised. That would suggest that, even if you…
Citibank confirms hacking attack
Hackers have stolen data from thousands of Citibank customers in the US, the bank has confirmed. The breach exposed the names of customers, account numbers and contact information. But other key data, such as date of birth and card security codes were not compromised, the bank said in a statement. Citigroup is the latest in…
MN: Three sentenced for stealing identities, obtaining more than $150,000 from victims
Last Friday in federal court, a 34-year-old Maplewood woman was sentenced for her role in a scheme that was using the names and personal identification information of others on fraudulent checks resulting in a total attempted loss of more than $300,000. United States District Court Judge David S. Doty sentenced Nou Thao to time already…