Jonathan Dienst reports: A Malaysian man hacked his way into the Federal Reserve Bank’s computers in Cleveland and also had more than 400,000 stolen credit card numbers when Secret Service agents finally caught up with him, federal prosecutors said. Lin Mun Poo was arrested at John F. Kennedy Airport last month as he traveled to…
Category: Financial Sector
New TD Ameritrade data theft settlement offers $50-$2,500 for ID theft in breach
Associated Press reports: Online brokerage TD Ameritrade (Nasdaq:AMTD) will offer up to $2,500 to each of the more than six million current and former customers affected by the theft of their contact information more than three years ago. But the proposed settlement, which will cost between $2.5 million and $6.5 million, still must be approved…
Monadnock Community Bank notifies customers of third party breach
Monadnock Community Bank, who reported a somewhat strange situation to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office in September, filed another breach report this month. According to its letter dated November 9, MCB’s card processor notified it that an unnamed third party payment service provider’s network had a data breach involving customer information, including debit card…
Two Bulgarian nationals charged in alleged ATM skimming scheme
The Associated Press reports that authorities in New Jersey have charged two Bulgarian men with scanning personal information from ATM machines and withdrawing more than $200,000 from customers’ accounts. Lachezar Lazarov and Georgi Nikiforov appeared in federal court in Newark on Tuesday and were ordered held without bail…. They are accused of installing devices on…
FinCEN report: Identity Theft Trends, Patterns, and Typologies Reported in Suspicious Activity Reports Filed by Depository Institutions January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2009
From the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network report, Identity Theft Trends, Patterns, and Typologies Reported in Suspicious Activity Reports Filed by Depository Institutions January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2009, the Executive Summary: Identity theft was the sixth most frequently reported characterization of suspicious activity within the period of the study, behind structuring/money laundering, check fraud, mortgage loan fraud,…
FSA loses 41 laptops and Blackberries in three years
From the U.K. -ministry-of-irony: A regular criticism from the FSA when it comes to issuing bans on financial advisors is that they failed to demonstrate being ‘a fit and proper person’… the regulator might want to discuss these attributes with its workers, who have lost 41 laptops and Blackberries in the last year. All of…