A Great Lakes-based insurer says it has suffered a security breach that may have compromised sensitive client data. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Minneapolis, says it experienced a break-in at one of its offices in Pennsylvania. A laptop computer was among the items stolen. The laptop had safeguards to protect sensitive information, including strong password protection…
Category: Financial Sector
Police are investigating identity theft, grand larceny at local bank
Goshen — The Village of Goshen Police Department [in New York] is investigating a scheme to commit identity theft and grand larceny at the Goshen branch of the Bank of America, located at 54 West Main Street. On March 2, several residents reported unauthorized withdrawals from their ATM accounts made at various Bank of America…
Report confirms private banking websites are flouting client privacy
Tara Loader Wilkinson reports: According to a report published by Swiss research group MyPrivateBanking last week, 61% of banks do not offer secure web messaging. And nearly 60% do not give privacy warnings to users of their website about sending unprotected e-mails to recipients at the bank. […] More than half of banks offered a…
(update) Salmat caused St George data breach
Renai LeMay reports: Business process outsourcing firm Salmat has acknowledged responsibility for a data breach at St George that saw some customers of the Westpac subsidiary receive account details that belonged to other customers. “Our statement production company Salmat has acknowledged responsibility for the error which occured and is currently completing a full investigation,” said…
CIBC to compensate customers for disclosing data
Joe Schneider reports: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, the country’s fifth-biggest bank, agreed to compensate customers whose personal information was sent by mistake to businesses in the U.S. and Quebec. The agreement, approved by a judge in Toronto, settles a class-action, or group, lawsuit filed by the customers over the disclosure of their names, social…
St. George Bank printing gaffe fuels fraud fears (updated)
Jessica Johnston reports: A serious bank blunder has threatened the financial security of 42,000 people after their statements were mailed to strangers. A former bank manager and a business owner are among the Gold Coast victims of a major fraud scare after private details were distributed during a St George Bank printing mistake. The error…