Law firm Prokauer Rose has notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office that its client, Developers Diversified Realty Corporation, became aware of a “potential security breach” on or about February 2nd. According to the report (pdf), National City Bank, one of DDR’s dividend disbursing agents, mailed some 1099-DIV tax forms on January 29th. In some…
Category: Financial Sector
When everything old is new again?
In what comes as no real surprise to me based on what I had been thinking, Jaikumar of Computerworld reports: Days after Visa Inc. seemingly confirmed that a data breach had taken place at a third payment processor, following on the recent breach disclosures by Heartland Payment Systems Inc. and RBS WorldPay Inc., the credit…
No, the unnamed processor breach is not another Heartland breach
Despite what some people might have suggested, Heartland Payment Systems has flatly denied that it is in any way responsible for the newest reports of another payment processor breach. In response to a blog entry on The Consumerist, Nancy Gross, Heartland’s Executive Director of Marketing, replied: We, too, have heard of a new breach. But,…
When banks get religion
Heartland Payment System reports 4th Quarter Gains
Of course, the fourth quarter ended before they announced that they had been breached. They had this to say about the breach in their press release today (via Marketwatch): Clearly our biggest challenge in 2009 will arise from the system breach we suffered. There are two main components to the challenge we face: addressing claims…
CA: Client data from mortgage broker found in trash
Jeff Overly reports: Folders with personal information for numerous clients of a local mortgage broker sat for days at a public recycling site, overflowing from the tops of several bins in an apparently glaring identity theft risk. The files contained bank account statements, completed tax forms, credit reports and Social Security numbers, among other information,…