A recent listing on a popular forum claimed to be offering the entire Mexican voter database for 2021 — 91 million records. The data was formatted with the following fields: “CVE”,,”NOMBRE”,”PATERNO”,”MATERNO”,”FECNAC”,”SEXO”, “CALLE”,”INT”,”EXT”,”COLONIA”,”CP”,”E”,”D”,”M”,”S”,”L”, “MZA”,”CONSEC”,”CRED”,”FOLIO”,”NAC”,”CURP” In response to the listing, Alon Gal (@UndertheBreach) commented on Twitter that this was the second breach involving Mexico’s Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE)….
Category: Government Sector
Hackers Penetrated Iran’s Railroad Computers Long Before July Attack
Iran International reports: One week after cyber attack on Iran’s ministry of roads and the railroad system, an information security office at the presidential administration reported on Sunday that hackers had penetrated the computer systems at least a month earlier. A system-wide disruption in the computer network of Iran’s railroads due to a cyberattack on July 9 disrupted…
Nl: Leak at Covid testing company made it possible to fake results in CoronaCheck app
NL Times reports: Due to a major leak at the coronavirus testing company Testcoronanu, it was possible for anyone to create their own Covid vaccination or test certificate, RTL Nieuws reported on Sunday. Additionally, private details from about 60 thousand people who took a coronavirus test at this company had been leaked. The company is…
Ca: Revelstoke Mountaineer white-hat notification of data security issues causes City of Revelstoke to disable emergency notification system
Aaron Orlando reports: The City of Revelstoke has disabled its emergency notification system after revelstokemountaineer.com notified the city of data security issues with the system. The city’s opt-in emergency alert system sends emails or text messages to subscribers. The system notifies subscribers on a range of city communications, including emergency communications. Read more on revelstokemountaineer.com….
Rewards for Justice – Reward Offer for Information on Foreign Malicious Cyber Activity Against U.S. Critical Infrastructure
The following announcement is from the U.S. Department of State today: The U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice (RFJ) program, which is administered by the Diplomatic Security Service, is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of any person who, while acting at the direction or under the…
U.S. Government Launches First One-Stop Ransomware Resource at StopRansomware.gov
Press release from the Department of Justice today: Today, as part of the ongoing response, agencies across the U.S. government announced new resources and initiatives to protect American businesses and communities from ransomware attacks. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), together with federal partners, have launched a…