Linn Foster Freedman of Robinson & Cole provided this update on their Data Privacy + Security Insider blog: The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved funding to provide the 22 million individuals affected by the OPM data breaches with 10 years of credit monitoring services and $5 million in liability protection for damages, extending the OPM’s offer of three years of…
Category: Government Sector
REMEMBER EMAD Attacks DoD: Claim
Remember Emad, a hacking crew that claimed to have attacked Israeli sites in March 2012, and to have attacked an Israeli Webgate server in August 2012 and dumped data, has apparently claimed to have attacked the Pentagon. Seen on Cryptome, August 1: from : REMEMBER EMAD crew to : Pentagon subject : op910 we are responsible…
Potential Breach Of Privacy At Sioux Falls VA
KDLT reports that Sioux Falls VA Health Care System is notifying veterans that their personal information may have been compromised in a potential breach of privacy: Sioux Falls VA Officials say on June 4, 2015 a list of patients was reproduced whose February 2015 prescription fill documents cannot be located. Officials say the fill documents…
Former DOD Contractor/Sysadmin Sentenced for Accessing and Removing Classified Information from Military Computers (updated)
Christopher R. Glenn, 34, a South Florida Resident, was sentenced on July 31, 2015, to 120 months of imprisonment to be followed by three years of supervised release by U.S. District Judge Kenneth A. Marra of the Southern District of Florida following his guilty plea for willful retention of classified national defense information under the…
Files of 1,100 veterans thrown in dumpster at Hot Springs VA
Human error strikes the VA system again. Seth Tupper reports that someone at the VA Black Hills Health Care System mistakenly dumped a box containing 1,100 veterans’ files into a dumpster on May 15. The error occurred during an office move (a problem we’ve seen before in other cases). Thankfully, the employee’s error was caught…
U.S. intel fears hundreds of secrets leaked in Hillary’s private emails
John Solomon and S. A. Miller report: The U.S. intelligence community is bracing for the possibility that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email account contains hundreds of revelations of classified information from spy agencies and is taking steps to contain any damage to national security, according to documents and interviews Thursday. The top…