From a paste today that contains this note from the hackers: (Reminder: If you want to help get them patch then please report the vulnerabilities) – M1: M2: M3: M4: – M1: M2: M3: M4: – M1: M2: M3: M4:…
Category: Government Sector
#AntiCanadaDay attacks on government sites
It’s Canada Day, but some have a their own approach to the day, as #OpCyberPrivacy explains: Greetings Citizens of Canada, peoples and Anons of the world. We are #OpCyberPrivacy and this is #AntiCanadaDay. On this day we protest against the passing of C-51 and it’s royal assent to law. We protest against the systemic invasion of privacy…
In addition to monetary penalty, South Wales Police asked to sign undertaking
Last month, it was revealed that the ICO hit South Wales Police with a £160,000 fine for losing a video recording which formed part of the evidence in a sexual abuse case. Yesterday, the ICO announced that the SWP signed an undertaking to comply with the seventh data protection principle. As of May, there had still been no policies and procedures…
NY IG: Group home supervisor charged with identity theft
Rick Karlin reports: The supervisor of a cluster of Long Island group homes for the disabled is charged with stealing the identity of a client. Blossom Officer Thame is charged with using a client’s name to open a PSE&G electricity account. She is a treatment team leader for the State Office of People with Developmental…
Spies Warned Feds About OPM Mega-Hack Danger
Shane Harris reports: Five years ago, U.S. officials refused to merge a database containing classified personnel records of intelligence agency employees with another run by the Office of Personnel Management, fearing that if the two systems were linked up, it could expose the personal information of covert operatives to leakers and hackers. Those concerns look…
Ca: CSIS website crashed by hacker yet again
Emily Campbell reports: For the second time in less than 2 weeks, the CSIS website has been brought to it’s (sic) knees by a cyber attack. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service’s website along with multiple other Canadian government websites were taken down 12 days ago. Internet vigilante group Anonymous took credit for those earlier attacks….