Michael S. Schmidt and David E. Sanger report: Some of President Obama’s email correspondence was swept up by Russian hackers last year in a breach of the White House’s unclassified computer system that was far more intrusive and worrisome than has been publicly acknowledged, according to senior American officials briefed on the investigation. Read more on…
Category: Government Sector
Medical pot users try class action after Health Canada privacy breach
Sherri Borden Colley reports the latest development in a lawsuit filed after an administrative error resulted in “outing” 40,000 medical marijuana users: Lawyers will go before a Federal Court judge in Halifax in June to ask the court to certify a proposed class action on behalf of 40,000 medical marijuana users whose privacy was breached by…
CA: Mail Sent To DMV Offices In Riverside Stolen
CBS reports: About 30 pieces of incoming mail were stolen from the mailboxes outside the DMV Riverside Call Center and DMV East Riverside Field Offices, DMV officials said Friday in an alert to customers. The thefts happened during the weekends of March 21 and March 28 and may have involved personal information from customers, DMV…
Defense Secretary reveals Russian hack of department’s networks
Ian Duncan reports: Russian hackers infiltrated the Department of Defense‘s unclassified network earlier this year, Secretary Ashton B. Carter said in a speech at Stanford University Thursday. The attack has not previously been reported. Carter said attackers discovered a vulnerability in an older network that hadn’t been repaired. An elite Defense Department team identified the break-in and began looking for…
Hack breaches Taipei government computers
Abraham Gerber reports that the hacking of computers in the Taipei Mayor’s office may be more extensive that originally noted on this site a few weeks ago when only one computer had reportedly been compromised by malware: A large amount of information was leaked in a hacking breach of city computers, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je said yesterday….
Oregon state data center security flaws found in 2012 still not fixed
Hillary Borrud reports: Three years after state auditors identified security weaknesses at Oregon’s main data center in Salem, the state has yet to fix some of the problems. The vulnerabilities were outlined in a secret March 2012 letter to Michael Jordan, who, at the time, was director of the Department of Administrative Services, which manages…