Seen at Karin Spaink’s blog: After requesting a directory of the services of city X, a citizen of that city was sent not that directory, but a file containing the names of the circa 2800 people living in that city who may not renew their passport or who have to hand in their passport. Reasons…
Category: Government Sector
NHTSA’s Complaint Database Leaks Private Information Like A Sieve
Edward Niedermeyer reports: Our Canadian pal carquestions took a look through NHTSA’s public complaint database, and found four examples of personal information that NHTSA should have redacted but didn’t. You know, things like names, birth dates, social security numbers, addresses, VINs, and drivers license numbers. And he found those four after searching through “12 or…
NL: Sensitive DoJ data published
From Karin Spaink‘s blog: Various web sites have published ‘documents containing sensitive data’ from the Department of Justice’s national penitentiary task force (Landelijke Bijzondere Bijstandseenheid), who are called in when there are problems in jails. The nature and the scope of the leak is unclear, but it seems that the documents contain information about the…
UK: Drug dealer who copied police files jailed and fined £1,250
Angus Howarth reports: A drug-dealing police worker caught with secret work documents at her home was jailed for over two years yesterday. Laura Young copied crime files and police reports while working at Grampian Police headquarters in Aberdeen. The 22-year-old even showed a confidential file to the person concerned in the report. She also obtained…
UK: Council says sorry after security breach
Council chiefs have apologised after the National Insurance numbers of thousands of pension holders were disclosed. The NI numbers were printed in the address fields of 6,600 pension newsletters from Northumberland County Council and were clearly visible through the cellophane of the envelopes. Staff at the third-party mailing company used to send out the newsletters…
HMRC mails wrong private info to 50,000 19,000 taxpayers
John Oates reports on another black eye for HMRC: Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs apologised today for sending out private information to 50,000 tax credit recipients. One taxpayer who contacted The Register said: “We received our tax credit notice with our National Insurance details but on the back were two strangers’ work, childcare and pay…