Remember when a laptop stolen from the Canadian Canola Growers Association in 2008 resulted in 32,000 farmers being notified that their social insurance numbers and bank account information was in unknown hands? The Manitoba Co-Operator reports that a proposed class action lawsuit against the government and CCGA over the breach has been dropped. Regina lawyer…
Category: Government Sector
SC: DHEC notifying clients of personal information breach
Previous coverage on this breach can be found here and here. The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control continues to notify clients whose personal information was included on improperly discarded DHEC documents, the agency reported today. “We’ve already mailed letters to individuals, but we don’t have complete mailing addresses for a small number of…
Credit card data stolen from parking kiosk at Goldstream park
Amy Dove reports: People who enjoyed a day at Goldstream Provincial Park this month are now at risk of credit card fraud. A parking ticket dispenser closest to the entrance of Goldstream park was vandalized between April 17 and 18. The electronic storage device that records credit card information was stolen. The machine hadn’t been…
Police data on copiers causes city to scramble
Brian Meyer and Jay Rey report that the city of Buffalo is scrambling in the aftermath of a CBS report that confidential data was found on copier hard drives that were up for sale at a warehouse: Stored on one of the hard drives were details involving domestic-violence complaints along with a list of wanted…
Police send Reg hack CRB check database
If you’re going to have a data gaffe, try to avoid having a reporter be the recipient…. Chris Williams of The Register reports: Police face accusations of incompetence after accidentally emailing a file detailing the results of thousands of criminal records checks to a Register journalist. The author of the email at Gwent Police is…
95 new breaches in 2010 that didn’t make the news
The good folks over at the Identity Theft Resource Center recently posted a very gracious thank-you to me and this site for helping track data breaches. I suspect that they’ll be pulling their hair out this weekend, though. 🙂 In addition to the 100 previously unreported breaches from 2009 that I posted here today, here…