Eric Stirgus reports: Atlanta officials said Friday they are investigating how personal information of about 1,000 current and former city Fire Rescue employees found its way to the Internet. The information was used on a personal laptop and then accessed by another computer, city officials said in a news release. It included the names, addresses,…
Category: Government Sector
Computer Crooks Steal $100,000 from Ill. Town
Brian Krebs reports on another municipality that has been victimized by cybercrooks: A rash of home foreclosures and abandoned dwellings had already taken its toll on the tax revenue for the Village of Summit, a town of 10,000 just outside Chicago. Then, in March, computer crooks broke into the town’s online bank account, making off…
OH: Private papers found in trash
Ryan Gauthier reports: For several weeks, a mound of city documents containing Social Security numbers, phone numbers and carbon copies of checks filled a Dumpster at Smith Park, where they were accessible to anyone. The Journal received a tip that led to the discovery of countless junked records containing personal information for Middletown residents, along…
The DOJ Criminal Division’s Laptop Computer Encryption Program and Practices – Audit Report
From the summary of findings in The Criminal Division’s Laptop Computer Encryption Program and Practices, Audit Report 10-23, March 2010: Criminal Division-Owned Laptop Computers Our review found that of the 40 laptops we tested for encryption software, 10 did not have encryption, and 9 of those 10 did not have Windows passwords enabled. All of…
Navy took more than a year to announce personal data breach
The Washington Post seems to have jumped in on a breach first exposed by the Ventura County Star. Federal Diary reports: In case of danger or a natural disaster, the U.S. Navy can rapidly dispatch troops, fighter jets or relief supplies to troubled areas around the world. So why did it take the Navy 17…
Stolen council laptops contained sensitive information on pupils
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has found Warwickshire County Council in breach of the Data Protection Act (DPA) following the theft of two laptops and the loss of a memory stick. The laptops, which were unencrypted and not physically secured or locked away, were stolen from council offices. They held sensitive personal information relating to…