Peter Cox reports on a breach previously mentioned here. Some credit cards swiped recently at the Mad Capper have been swiped by hackers who’ve racked up charges on those cards from Indiana to Russia. Jeff Chilson, owner of the Mad Capper, said that people who have been at the downtown Stillwater bar/restaurant in the last…
Category: Hack
Reconsidering the retailers’ attempts to keep their identities secret
Over on The Tech Herald, Steve Ragan takes a somewhat more sympathetic view to J.C. Penney than I have generally taken. Steve writes, in part: Most of the media reports are painting the picture that J.C. Penney suffered a breach and did nothing. That isn’t entirely true. The company cooperated fully when asked and it… hack results in false charges on customers’ cards
On February 18, MyPlane, dba, discovered that their database containing their customers’ names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and credit card information had been hacked. According to the firm, some customers received a “nominal fake charge to their credit card by a company not associated with us.” By letter dated March 19, MyPilotStore notified…
MidFlorida Credit Union Issuing New Cards
Kyle Kennedy reports that new fraud reports have emerged related to the Heartland Payment Systems breach disclosed in January 2009 and that a credit union is now replacing additional cards: Some MidFlorida Credit Union members are getting new debit cards because of a fraud risk. Kathy Britt, chief operations officer for Lakeland-based MidFlorida, said the…
Court papers confirm JC Penney as hacking victim
Phil Wahba reports: JC Penney Co Inc was one of the victims of notorious computer hacker Albert Gonzalez, according to unsealed documents made available on Monday by a federal judge in Boston. Read more on Reuters about how the retailer tried to prevent their name from being made public. The firm’s identity had been revealed…
Outed by judge, Wet Seal reveals 2008 breach
After being outed by a Massachusetts judge who felt that the retailer should have disclosed the incident in 2008, Wet Seal subsequently issued a statement acknowledging that they had a security breach that involved the hacking ring led by Albert Gonzalez. According to Wet Seal’s statement: In May 2008, we became aware that a criminal…