Catalin Cimpanu reports: Russian authorities have detained earlier this month a popular figure on the Russian hacking scene on charges of distributing malicious software via his Telegram channel. Pavel Sitnikov, known primarily for operating the now-suspended @Flatl1ne Twitter account and the Freedom F0x Telegram channel, was raided by law enforcement officials on May 20 at…
Category: Hack
Hoboken Radiology reveals breach of imaging server that began in 2019
Hoboken Radiology LLC in New Jersey issued a press release yesterday about an incident that began in June, 2019. The full text of the release is below the separator. has sent an inquiry to the practice asking them who informed them in November — was it law enforcement, a vendor, a researcher, or their…
Russia’s FSB reports ‘unprecedented’ hacking campaign aimed at government agencies
Reuters reports: Foreign hackers compromised Russian federal agencies in a digital espionage campaign that Russian officials described as unprecedented in scope and sophistication. The little-noticed report – published this month by Russia’s FSB security service and Rostelecom-Solar, the cybersecurity arm of telecoms company Rostelecom (RTKM.MM) – provides an unusually detailed look at a purportedly state-backed cyber spying…
Japanese Ministry Loses 76,000 Email Addresses In Government Data Breach – Reports
Muhammad Irfan reports: MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 26th May, 2021) Hackers have stolen at least 76,000 email addresses from Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in a government data leak, NHK reported on Wednesday. According to the Japanese broadcaster, criminals used the ProjectWEB information-sharing software. Read more on UrduPoint.
OH: Marietta City Schools Email Hack
Christopher Schmitt reports: The Marietta Police Department is investigating a number of Marietta City School employees’ emails being hacked. It was just released that Marietta Superintendent Will Hampton reached out to the Marietta Police last week. It was reported to the police that a number of employees’ email accounts could have been compromised since 2018….
NH: Sentenced to Over a Year in Prison for Hacking Police Department in Revenge for Drug Arrest
Wayne Kenney, 31, of Hooksett, was sentenced to 12 months and one day in federal prison for unauthorized access to a computer and damage to protected computers, Acting United States Attorney John J. Farley announced today. According to court documents and statements made in court, in early 2015, Kenney…