Catalin Cimpanu reports: More than 23,000 hacked databases have been made available for download on several hacking forums and Telegram channels in what threat intel analysts are calling the biggest leak of its kind. The database collection is said to have originated from, a private service advertised on hacking forums to other cybercriminals. Read…
Category: Hack
Founder of hacker group Anonymous reveals his ultimate ‘end-game’
Shawn Langlois reports: Earlier this year, the Atlantic revealed Aubrey Cottle as the internet prankster who years ago started Anonymous, an amorphous collective of hackers and activists waging cyberwar against oppression and corruption by targeting institutions like the Church of Scientology, the Westboro Baptist Church and, most recently, the police department. “Anonymous has all walks of life,”…
New seller (?) offers 17 previously non-public databases for sale
Once again, entities that may not have known that they had been hacked may be discovering that their data are up for sale on a forum. On September 5, a new seller — or at least a new persona — appeared on a well-known forum. On October 28, the seller offered private databases for sale….
KR: Court orders online mall to compensate 2,400 customers for data leak
Depending on how long you have been following this blog, some of you may not remember the Interpark data breach in South Korea in 2016. I had covered it several times, including when it was fined $3.8 million (the largest fine up until that date) for its failure to protect consumer data from from what…
Eatigo reports data breach, personal data from customer accounts listed for sale online
CNA reports: Personal data from potentially 2.8 million eatigo accounts were illegally assessed in a data breach. In an email to customers on Saturday (Oct 31), the restaurant reservation platform said that along with other e-commerce sites, it was the subject of “a data security incident involving unauthorised access to our customer database”. Read more on CNA.
Personal data of 1.1 million RedMart user accounts stolen in Lazada breach and put up for sale
Lester Wong reports: The personal information of 1.1 million RedMart user accounts was stolen from a customer database and put up for sale on an online forum. A spokesman from e-commerce giant Lazada, which owns e-grocer Redmart, confirmed the data breach yesterday and said that the personal information stolen included names, phone numbers, e-mail, mailing…