Notification of Data Security Incident May 13, 2020 Wright County, Minnesota – Notification of Data Security Incident This notice is to inform Wright County residents of a data security incident that potentially affected the personal information of county residents and non-residents in Wright County’s possession. We take the privacy and security of private information we…
Category: Hack
(Update1) The Palm Beach County School District suffers massive pwd breach after second grader hacks them
See an important update after the original post. From the no-one-could-have-possibly-foreseen-kids-figuring-out-default-password-conventions dept., Andrew Colton reports: The Palm Beach County School District is in the midst of a massive computer security crisis that draws into question the authenticity of every assignment completed by every student since “distance learning” began, after learned that an elementary school student…
ShinyHunters has companies scrambling: Star Tribune warns subscribers of claimed hack, Tokopedia brings in independent consultant to investigate hack
WCCO reports: On Monday, Star Tribune subscribers were notified of a possible security breach in its website log-in database. The paper says it only stored usernames and passwords there. Read more on CBS Minnesota. This is in response to claims by ShinyHunters, who have listed what they claim is data from 1 million subscribers for…
Hackers steal information on up to 100,000 Interserve employees
James Cook reports: Outsourcing group Interserve is recovering from a cyberattack which took place over the weekend that may have seen the details of up to 100,000 people stolen. Hackers broke into a human resources database owned by the outsourcing firm, which recently helped build the Birmingham Nightingale Hospital, on May 9 and stole information on current…
“ShinyHunters” lists more than 160 million user records from 11 companies for sale on dark web
A new individual or group that appears to be a reincarnation of GnosticPlayers is offering millions of user records for sale on the dark web. The records offered by “ShinyHunters” on a well-known dark web market appear to come from 11 firms. The firms listed by ShinyHunters include Tokopedia (91 Million), HomeChef (8 Million), Bhinneka…
‘Our data is secure’: Bukalapak denies reports of user data breach
Eisya A. Eloksari reports: Homegrown e-commerce platform Bukapalak has denied reports that the data of millions of its users were compromised and sold on the dark web, only days after e-commerce unicorn Tokopedia was reported to have faced an internal system breach. The personal data of around 13 million Bukalapak users, including usernames, email addresses…