It’s nice to read a notification where an entity had good defenses in place. Consider this notification from Golden Optometric in California: Early on the morning of November 6, 2017, the network server at Golden Optometric was infected with a variant of the “CrySiS” ransomware virus, which encrypted a limited number of files on its…
Category: Hack
Attackers claim to have hacked MEDHOST (UPDATED)
Update of Dec. 23: As of this evening, the hacker has not responded to a request from this site that they provide proof of access to PHI. And according to a MedHost spokesperson, they will not be reporting this incident to HHS because no PHI was accessed. Under the circumstances, unless more emerges, is…
Teenage hacker behind university network attacks and attacks on Amazon, BBC, and National Crime Agency spared jail
Chris Havergal reports: A teenage computer hacker who caused widespread disruption to the computer network used by UK higher education institutions has been spared jail. Jack Chappell, now 19, launched a distributed denial of service attack against the Janet network in December 2015 which brought down websites and limited connectivity for staff and students over…
‘Lizard Squad’ hacker admits to conspiracy targeting ‘thousands’
Jon Seidel reports: A Maryland man with ties to international hacking groups with “thousands of victims” pleaded guilty in Chicago Tuesday to a conspiracy that may land him behind bars. But Zachary Buchta could also catch a big break if he continues to cooperate with federal prosecutors, according to his 20-page plea agreement. Buchta, 20,…
East Texas area school officials: Scope of computer breach still unclear
Meredith Shamburger provides an update to a previously reported incident: More than a week after several East Texas school districts were notified of a computer security breach that exposed personal information, officials say they still don’t know how many of their students have been affected. The Texas Department of Agriculture notified nine area districts that…
Austin Manual Therapy notifies 1,750 patients of data breach
Austin Manual Therapy Association recently notified HHS of a hacking incident that reportedly affected 1,750 of their patients. That incident was first reported on on October 18, after TheDarkOverlord (TDO) had publicly claimed in tweets to have hacked them. TDO’s tweets had also suggested that they had made an extortion demand on the therapy…