I guess the jury didn’t buy the defense’s claim that the government had tampered with the evidence on Seleznev’s laptop. A federal jury yesterday convicted a Vladivostok, Russia, man of 38 counts related to his scheme to hack into point-of-sale computers to steal and sell credit card numbers to the criminal underworld, announced Assistant Attorney…
Category: Hack
Millennium Hotels & Resorts North America Informed of Potential Data Security Incident
The Secret Service alerts you, a vendor notifies you… do we really think this is just a “potential” data security incident? Their press release: Millennium Hotels & Resorts North America (MHR) has become aware of a data security incident involving food and beverage point of sale systems at 14 of its hotels in the United…
IN: Orleans Medical Clinic Patient Information Breach
Orleans Medical Clinic Patient Information Breach Orleans Medical Clinic was recently the victim of a hacking incident that resulted in inappropriate access to certain information about the Clinic’s patients. On or about April 17, 2016, we became aware of suspicious activity involving one of our computer servers. We initiated an investigation and learned that our…
The Secret World’s Forums Have Been Breached And Passwords Cracked
Alex Walker reports: Funcom, makers of The Secret World, The Longest Journey, Age of Conan and Anarchy Online, announced earlier this morning that their forums have been compromised and user data exposed. In an announcement on their website, Funcom announced that the data breach for the four games above included encrypted passwords, user names and e-mail…
Four states’ fishing and hunting licensing sites hacked (update3)
The databases of four state wildlife sporting licensing sites have been hacked, according to an individual who claims to be the hacker. On Monday, an individual calling him/herself “Mr. High” posted the following on an AlphaBay forum: I just hacked four websites and reported the security holes. Two of these were government websites. All of these…
Mail.ru Forums Hack Compromises over 25 Million User Accounts
Catalin Cimpanu reports: Data breach index service LeakedSource has added a slew of new hacked websites to its database, including over 25 million user records from three compromised Mail.ru communities. The three communities are cfire.mail.ru (Cross Fire game), parapa.mail.ru (ParaPa Dance City game), and tanks.mail.ru (Ground War: Tank game). All communities were running older vBulletin…