Jason Healey and Anni Piiparinen report: Attribution for cyberattacks is said to be notoriously difficult, but sometimes context and timing are damning evidence. In July, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague conducted a hearing on the territorial dispute in the South China Sea between the Philippines and China. On the third day of…
Category: Hack
CIA head ‘outraged,’ ‘dismayed’ by email hack
Julian Hattem reports that CIA Director is outraged over the hack of his personal AOL account, but also upset about how the media portrayed things. Since this blog was one of many who raised the question as to whether he was improperly storing data that should not have been in his personal account, I thought…
Dark Side: The rise and fall of a suburban hacker
Matt Hrodey had an interesting piece on Daniel Placek of Darkode infamy. It begins: Daniel Placek was just old enough to buy a beer when the FBI knocked on the door to his parents’ house in Bayside, where he was living, and seized his computer. Placek, a 21-year-old self-taught computer programmer, confessed most everything to the…
KS: USD 259 investigating computer hacking attempt
John Boyd reports that not much is known yet about a hacking attempt at USD 259: The Wichita Public School District is investigating a hacking attempt. USD 259 Superintendent John Allison said Monday morning that they do not know the extent of the attempt, but there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that it involves student…
Teen arrested in TalkTalk hack (UPDATE2)
Ben Quinn and Miles Brignall report: A 15-year-old boy has been arrested in Northern Ireland in connection with the cyber-attack on TalkTalk’s website. The arrest is the first major development since the phone and broadband provider said last week it had been hacked, prompting warnings from the company that the bank details and personal information of its four…
TX: Emergence Health Network notifies 11,100 mental health patients of possible PHI breach
First, their press release: (El Paso, Texas October 16, 2015) Emergence Health Network (EHN) is in the process of contacting individuals regarding an unauthorized disclosure of protected health information. An EHN computer server was compromised in August through an unauthorized internet connection. The affected computer server was disabled to minimize a compromise. It is not…