Even though RAIDForums was seized in early 2022, data leaks and breaches on the site are still having repercussions for entities. On May 11, the Singapore Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) issued a decision involving Kingsforce Management Services Pte Ltd. On January 31, 2022, the firm had notified the PDPC that on or about December…
Category: Hack
Members of the public among those affected by massive N.S. cyberattack
Jean Laroche reports on the impact of the MOVEit breach by Clop threat actors on people in Nova Scotia: The Nova Scotia government revealed Friday that cyber criminals made off with the private information of tens of thousands of people, including high school students, short-term accommodation owners, newborns and people issued parking tickets in the Halifax Regional…
Thousands of students’ data breached in Minnesota Department of Education hack
Hayley Raatis reports that about 95,000 students have been affected by the MOVEit file transfer breach that also affected the Minnesota Department of Education. The initial investigation found 24 files were accessed due to the vulnerability. These files included data transferred to MDE from the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) to meet state and…
Russian Nationals Charged With Hacking One Cryptocurrency Exchange and Illicitly Operating Another
The Justice Department unsealed charges related to the 2011 hack of the cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox and the operation of the illicit cryptocurrency exchange BTC-e. According to court documents, Alexey Bilyuchenko, 43, and Aleksandr Verner, 29, both Russian nationals, are charged with conspiring to launder approximately 647,000 bitcoins from their hack of Mt. Gox. Bilyuchenko…
UK: University of Manchester trying to resolve “cyber incident”
Dan Davies reports: The University of Manchester has confirmed experts are working to resolve a “cyber incident”. On Friday morning, the institution said some of its data had been accessed by an “unauthorised party” and data have “likely been copied”. The uni said it was working with a number of organisations including the Information Commissioner’s…
Perhaps victims shouldn’t be so quick to claim “no evidence so far…”
In November 2022, Pearland ISD in Texas informed parents and employees about a breach and told them that ongoing investigation so far had shown no evidence that any sensitive information had been accessed by anyone outside of the district. In June 2023, Pearland sent letters to 55,486 people whose personal information had been accessed or acquired…