Lee J reports on DataLossDB: The last couple of weeks have seen tensions rising between Russia and Ukraine, and along with it an increase in computer crime. Sometime earlier this morning, a post allegedly by Anonymous Ukraine has claimed to have published “more than 800 million credit cards” by releasing four archives: Visa, Mastercard, American…
Category: Hack
Judge Refuses to Dismiss Confession, Evidence in Reuters Employee Hacking Case
Kim Zetter reports: A federal judge has refused to dismiss a recorded confession and computer evidence collected in the case of a former Reuters employee accused of conspiring with members of Anonymous to hack his former employer. Matthew Keys, 26, sought to throw out his confession on the grounds that he was on an antidepressant…
Maricopa County Community College District sued to compel public records production (update 1)
You may not be reading much in the news recently about the breach involving Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD), but there’s a lot going on. Unfortunately, MCCCD has reportedly not been particularly forthcoming with records that might shed light on what really happened back in 2011 when MCCCD was informed by the FBI that…
Auburn University College of Business hacked; notifications going out (updated)
On November 20, Auburn University became aware of that a server in the College of Business network had been compromised. Subsequent investigation revealed that names and Social Security numbers may have accessed. They are now sending out notification letters, although it is not clear how many individuals are being notified and whether they are all…
Prosecutors Admit They Don’t Understand What Weev Did, But They’re Sure It’s Like Blowing Up A Nuclear Plant
Perhaps one of the stupidest things a prosecutor trying to defend criminal prosecution under CFAA can say is to admit that they have no understanding of what the alleged “hacker” did that made his conduct a hack or violation of CFAA. But that’s pretty much what happened in a Philadelphia courtroom yesterday during Weev’s appeal…
University of Maryland, College Park reports another cybersecurity breach
Carrie Wells reports: The University of Maryland, College Park has suffered another cyberattack on the heels of the recent theft of personal data on hundreds of thousands of students, staff and alumni, university officials announced Thursday. Ann G. Wylie, who is chairing a newly formed task force on cybersecurity, wrote in a note to the…