The leader of a crime ring was convicted yesterday of stealing thousands of personal identities and counterfeiting credit cards to buy high-end goods to be resold on eBay and Craigslist. Christopher John Aragon, 51, Capistrano Beach, pleaded guilty March 26, 2012, to 50 felony counts including 33 counts of unauthorized use of personal identifying information,…
Category: Hack
Dutch Police Arrest 17-year-old Suspected of Breaching Hundreds of KPN Servers
Loek Essers reports: The Dutch High Tech Crime Team has arrested a 17-year-old suspected of compromising customer account data on hundreds of servers belonging to telecommunications operator KPN….. The arrested teenager called himself “xS”, “Yoshioka” and “Yui” online, and is suspected of breaching the security of hundreds of KPN servers last January, compromising user data… hack exposes over 160,000 users’ information (updated to include ESingles denial of breach) has apparently been hacked. The hack was announced on Twitter earlier today by Operation Digiturk and a database of 163,792 names, usernames, e-mail addresses, IP addresses, and passwords has been dumped on the Internet. The tweet was accompanied by the hashtags #anonymous #antisec #infosec I don’t know if the site is aware of the hack and eSingles Inc.’s…
Skeptical Science hacked, private user details publicly posted online
John Cook has posted a breach alert over on Skeptical Science. It seems that hackers got the entire users’ database and have dumped it on unnamed sites on the Internet. So far, I’m not finding those sites, so I’m not sure what all the data types are. If anyone has additional info on this breach,…
JP: Software sales firm warns of info breach on over 260,000 customers
From Mainichi Daily News earlier this week: A software sales company affiliated with Softbank Corp. said Thursday that personal information related to up to 261,161 customers may have been compromised from its database due to fraudulent access. Vector Inc. based in Tokyo said data that may have been stolen include names, addresses and credit card…
Hacker, suspected of 6 million user CSDN info leak, detained
Zhao Wen of The Shanghai Daily reports that a suspect has been detained in the CSDN breach that made headlines in December: The suspect surnamed Zeng was held in Wenzhou, eastern Zhejiang Province on February 4 after Beijing police opened an investigation into the case on December 22, the paper said. The leak, considered the…