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Category: Hack
EDITORIAL: LulzSec Targets Elderly in the Wake of Latest Sony Hacks
The Daily Tech published an editorial yesterday. Here’s how it begins: There’s no real winners with the latest Sony hack Sometimes there’s just a story that’s just plain sad all around. This is arguably the case with the latest hack of Sony Corp (6758), in which the company lost another 1 million user records and hackers…
What impact will the Sony and Infragard hacks have?
Chester Wisniewski writes: In a self-titled hack attack called “F**k FBI Friday” the hacking group known as LulzSec has published details on users and associates of the non-profit organization known as Infragard. Infragard describes itself as a non-profit focused on being an interface between the private sector and individuals with the FBI. LulzSec published 180…
Sony Europe hacked by Lebanese hacker… Again
Chester Wisniewski writes: By my count this is unlucky hack number 13 for Sony. A Lebanese hacker known as Idahc dumped another user database at Sony Europe containing approximately 120 usernames, passwords (plain text), mobile phone numbers, work emails and website addresses. Read more on Naked Security.
How the Epsilon Breach Hurts Consumers
Yesterday, following the Congressional hearing where Sony and Epsilon testified, we had a bit of a lively – if truncated – debate on Twitter about breach notification. Not surprisingly, George V. Hulme raised the issue of breach notice fatigue and how notifications should be confined to situations where there is some real risk. Also not…
Hackers say Acer breach leaked data for 40,000 users
Dan Goodin reports: Hackers say they breached the website security of computer-maker Acer and made off with data for 40,000 of its customers. Screenshots posted on Friday on The Hacker News appeared to show the purchase histories, names, email addresses, and partial addresses and phone numbers for a limited number of customers stored on The site said…