Jake Kouns of DataLossDB.org kindly sends along this notice, reportedly from Trapster. The site, which is intended to help users avoid speed traps and other hazards, reports another kind of hazard – that its site was hacked and user email addresses and passwords may have been accessed or acquired. Peer360 provides a copy of the…
Category: Hack
Telecom database accessed by employees of Power Marketing Ltd?
David Fisher reports: A major security breach has revealed personal details of every Telecom customer – and a commercial rival is implicated. The Herald on Sunday accessed the Telecom database using login details supplied by sales staff working for rival telco Slingshot. It gave us names, addresses and billing details for every Telecom customer. The…
Omaha Public School employees warned of hacker
Joe Dejka reports: A computer hacker may have obtained Social Security numbers and other personal information of more than 4,300 current and former Omaha Public Schools employees. An investigation into the attack on the Omaha School Employees Retirement System website, detected Dec. 21, was unable to determine whether information was stolen, Michael Smith, executive director…
Recent OSU computer system hack leaves students susceptible
Pamela Engel writes about an Ohio State University breach that was previously reported as affecting 760,000 individuals: … OSU officials discovered a “suspicious log-in to a server on the (OSU) computer system” during a routine computer-security check, according to the letter. The university notified anyone who has ever had an OSU e-mail address, which includes…
CT AG looking into UConn breach, demands credit monitoring services
It looks like Connecticut’s new Attorney General, George Jepsen, intends to pursue data breaches like his predecessor. According to Hartford Business Times, Jepsen has sent a letter to UConn requesting additional information on the breach and he “has also has insisted UConn provide its customers with identify theft and other credit protections.”
WA: HACKED: Kadlec notifying patients of computer server breach
From the staff of Tri-City Herald: Kadlec Regional Medical Center officials announced today that patients are being notified that one of the hospital’s computer servers containing brain scan and other patient studies was hacked in September. Files housed on the server included information including a patient’s name, birth date, age, gender, medical record number and…