A March 15, 2011 indictment of twelve defendants charged for their parts in an identity theft and bank fraud scheme has been unsealed. Two of the defendants, who worked for HIPAA-covered entities in Florida, and have also been charged with HIPAA violations. According to the indictment, Erica Hall was employed by Dr. Linda Green in…
Category: Health Data
CT Attorney General investigating MidState Medical/Hartford Healthcare breach
In the aftermath of the breach involving MidState Medical Center, Connecticut’s Attorney General George Jepsen and Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein are asking Hartford Healthcare and its Midstate Medical Center affiliate in Meriden for more information about a data breach that may have compromised medical records of 93,500 patients. The hospital notified the Attorney…
UK: Godalming College email gaffe exposes students' medical details
A Surrey college has apologised after accidentally e-mailing the private medical details of more than 300 students to an entire year group. The list, meant for Godalming College teachers, names one student with a brain tumour and another with anorexia. Staff tried to recall the message and then asked its lower sixth year group to…
CT: MidState Medical Center informs 93,500 patients of data breach
Greg Bordonaro reports: MidState Medical Center has begun sending letters to 93,500 patients whose personal information may have been compromised following the accidental loss of a computer hard drive, the hospital said in a letter to employees Tuesday. The misplaced hard drive, which has not yet been recovered, contains patient’s names, addresses, birthdates, social security…
Nurse allowed to resign in medical chart snooping case
Associated Press reports an update on the privacy breach at the U. of Iowa involving staff snooping on football players’ records: A nurse at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics who allegedly accessed confidential medical records of a university football player has been allowed to resign rather than be fired. A legal agreement made…
UK: Cornwall health trust disclosed third-party personal data
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust has acknowledged that breached the Data Protection Act on two occasions and has signed an undertaking with the Information Commissioner’s Office. According to a press release issued by the ICO today: The first breach happened in July 2010 when an individual received a response to a subject access request for information…