Joseph Goedert reports: Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center in Bronx, N.Y., recently notified 130,495 patients of a breach of their protected health information after seven CDs a business associate FedEx’d were lost (see story). In a statement to Health Data Management, the hospital, part of NYC Health and Hospitals Corp., explains why the data…
Category: Health Data
UF officials notify patients of privacy breach
University of Florida officials have notified 2,047 people that their Social Security or Medicaid identification numbers were included on address labels affixed to letters inviting them to participate in a research study. The letters were sent through the U.S. Postal Service on May 24, and the information also was shared with a telephone survey company….
Health Net to pay Conn. $250,000 in settlement
Cara Baruzzi reports: Health Net will pay the state at least $250,000 and implement stronger consumer protections to settle allegations the insurer failed to secure medical records, financial information and other private data on more than 440,000 Connecticut members, state officials said Tuesday. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who sued the company in the wake of…
Health Net to pay Conn. $250,000 in settlement
Cara Baruzzi reports: Health Net will pay the state at least $250,000 and implement stronger consumer protections to settle allegations the insurer failed to secure medical records, financial information and other private data on more than 440,000 Connecticut members, state officials said Tuesday. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who sued the company in the wake of…
UF officials notify patients of privacy breach
University of Florida officials have notified 2,047 people that their Social Security or Medicaid identification numbers were included on address labels affixed to letters inviting them to participate in a research study. The letters were sent through the U.S. Postal Service on May 24, and the information also was shared with a telephone survey company….
Attorney General Reaches Settlement Over Lost Hard Drive With Medical Information On 1.5 Million Health Net Customers
Matthew Sturdevant reports: Health Net of the Northeast will be required to pay a “significant sum and spend even more to upgrade security” because of a hard-drive lost last year that contained medical information of 1.5 million Health Net customers in four states — including 446,000 in Connecticut, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s office said Tuesday….