Free medical screenings for workers at Oak Ridge and other Department of Energy sites have been put on hold while DOE investigates an incident in which personal information could have been compromised and establishes a new protocol for handling such data. Read more on Knox News
Category: Health Data
LA: Medical records discarded in trash bin
Chrissi Coile of KTBS reports that a large pile of medical records containing x-rays, MRIs, names, and Social Security numbers which were found discarded in Toney’s Eastridge Grocery’s trash bin were put there by Dr. Frederick Knight, who admits that it is not the first time he has done something like that. Police are investigating,…
University of Florida: “starting to have…. quite a reputation”
Nathan Crabbe of The Gainesville Sun reports that in addition to the breaches that recently made the news, UF has had four cases of ID theft resulting from breaches. During a committee meeting of university trustees at which they passed federal rules intended to prevent identity theft, UF Chief Privacy Officer Susan Blair described the…
Stimulus bill puts burden on physicians to tell patients of data breach
Karen Caffarini reports: Sending a letter to patients to notify them of a data breach in your office is more than just a nice thing to do — it’s becoming something you must do. The recently passed stimulus legislation — the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 — includes language that requires any physician…
Bits ‘n Pieces
In the justice system: An employee of Washington Mutual Bank in Joliet was arrested and charged with organizing a financial crimes enterprise, conspiring to commit financial crimes, participating in a continuing financial crimes enterprise, theft and four counts of financial identity theft. More. Washoe County sheriff’s deputies have arrested David Michael Baker in Reno on…
UK: List of health service security blunders exposed
Continuing what appears to be an increasing trend in the UK media to use freedom of information requests to obtain breach reports, Echo found that there had been 34 incidents involving patient data being lost or mislaid by health service staff in Gloucestershire since December 2007. The paper notes that the same request was sent…