Attorneys in Peoria say a former Illinois Eye Center receptionist accused of using confidential patient information for identity theft has been in jail in Las Vegas for nearly three weeks. Attorneys said thos (sic) week that Andrea Jordan was arrested in Las Vegas on April 28 as she was going to the grocery store. Source…
Category: Health Data
Records missing from Ala. mental health department
Alabama Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation officials say records containing patient information have gone missing. Index cards with patients’ names, social security numbers and birthdates were recently discovered missing at Greil Hospital in Montgomery. Full story – WZTV
Ie: HSE downplays medical files find (update)
In an update yesterday to city and county councillors on the medical records found buried in a former landfill outside Cork, the Health Service Executive (HSE) claimed there were “only 15 fully legible sets of notesâ€. Addressing the regional health forum south, Gerry O’Dwyer, network manager of the Southern Hospitals’ Group, said the majority of…
PHR vendor launches "In Case of Emergency" program for mobile phones
Richard Pizzi describes a new consumer-oriented service from in Healthcare IT News. Enrollees would be able to activate a setting in their account that would allow their emergency health histories to be accessed from their cell phones in case of emergency so that first responders, paramedics, etc., could obtain vital information. This is an…
Privacy protections will be added to Wired for Health Care Quality bill
Nancy Ferris reports: Provisions to strengthen privacy protections for patients will be added to the long-stalled Wired for Health Care Quality Act in the Senate under an agreement between the sponsors and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.). Leahy’s concerns about the security and privacy of health records had held up Senate action on the bill, the…
Health Data Systems Need A Comprehensive Privacy and Security Framework
CDT’s Health Privacy Project today released a paper urging policymakers and the private sector to develop and implement a comprehensive privacy and security framework to govern the wide range of computer and Internet-based systems being created to share sensitive health information. The paper examines the key issues confronting the adoption of information technology in the…