Cai Wajun writes in the Shanghai Daily: Under a project to establish a digital health database for people in the city, residents now can view their medical tests and records through e-mails from, a government-run Website. Yueyang Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital is the first to participate in the service and about a…
Category: Health Data
Electronic Health Records wired for abuse (Op-Ed)
Dr. Deborah Peel, founder of, had an Op-Ed in yesterday’s Boston Herald: “Oops! They did it to Britney again.†No, it’s not a song parody, but a reflection of the poor state of American health privacy – something Bay Staters should think about as their Legislature considers a bill to mandate Electronic Health Records…
SafeMed gets the call from Google
Keith Darce of Copley News Service writes: Internet giant Google has tapped a medical software developer in San Diego to provide a key element of its test project that lets people create comprehensive medical records on the Web.SafeMed’s application sifts through vast medical databases and personal health records in the blink of an eye to…
The Real Elephant in the Room? Patient Empowerment Not Privacy
Seen on the Patient Empowerment blog: I read yet another article (this one online at FoxNews Business) where privacy concerns screamed louder than the benefits of empowering patients through the their use of personal health records. Now, I agree that privacy issues are important–of course we all want to be sure that our medical information…
Pennsylvania readies HIE
John Moore writes in Government Health IT: Pennsylvania has laid the foundation for a statewide health information exchange that will support interoperable electronic health records and e-prescribing. Gov. Edward Rendell signed an executive order March 26 establishing the governance structure for the Pennsylvania Health Information Exchange (PHIX). That structure, which will include an executive director…
National health records network to hook up with Google, Microsoft
Bob Brewin writes in Government Executive: The federal office in charge of creating a national network of electronic health records plans to integrate the system with the health care databases that Google and Microsoft launched last year, on which individuals can store their health records, a top official with the Health and Human Services Department…