Justine Leblond reports (translation): Since 4 am, this Monday, December 21, the Center Hospitalier Albertville-Moûtiers (CHAM) has been the victim of a cyber attack. Several sites are affected: the two branches in Albertville and Moûtiers, as well as the EHPAD and the Claude Léger and Les Cordeliers long-term care units. Several equipment, servers, software and part of the…
Category: Health Data
Proliance Surgeons, Inc. Notifies Customers of Data Security Incident
Why are they calling them “customers” and not “patients?” I’m confused by this press release, below. Were these payment cards the patients’ payment cards/payment info? If so, it’s still protected health information of patients. I’ve reached out to the entity to request clarification. Update: A spokesperson says that the payment cards were not the patients’…
One year later, Saskatchewan government still isn’t sure what data were exfiltrated in cyberattack
Back in June, Canadian news outlets provided an update on a ransomware attack on Saskatchewan’s eHealth system that had occurred on December 20, 2019. Now as the year draws to a close, the government still doesn’t know whether personal information was compromised in the attack. And no, this is not uncommon. It is often very…
Vn: Leaky Server Exposes 12 Million Medical Records to Meow Attacker
Phil Muncaster reports: A healthcare technology company leaked 12 million records on patients including highly sensitive diagnoses, before the exposed cloud server was struck by the infamous “meow” attacker, researchers have revealed. A team at SafetyDetectives led by Anurag Sen discovered the leaky Elasticsearch server in late October after a routine IP address scan, although…
OCR Settles Thirteenth Investigation in HIPAA Right of Access Initiative
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces its thirteenth settlement of an enforcement action in its HIPAA Right of Access Initiative. OCR announced this initiative as an enforcement priority in 2019 to support individuals’ right to timely access their health records at a reasonable cost…
Update: Ransomware downed UVM Medical Center systems, but no payment made
Katie Jickling reports: University of Vermont Medical Center’s IT chief revealed Tuesday that it was a ransomware attack that downed the hospital’s online systems in October. Jickling’s article provides a helpful update from what happened to how things are going with restoration. The hit was obviously a serious one, as information on 1,300 servers was encrypted, and the…