Chris Vedelago and Cameron Houston Private medical information belonging to players at St Kilda Football Club is missing after a bag belonging to the team doctor was stolen from a car parked outside his Kew home last month. Read more on The Age.
Category: Health Data
Ca: University of Lethbridge reveals details regarding privacy breach at health centre
Quinn Campbell reports on an email gaffe that disclosed student health information: The University of Lethbridge says an Excel document with personal information of 1,225 patients at its health centre was inadvertently shared with a student. The document that was the subject of a privacy breach included names, dates of birth, personal health numbers, genders…
UK: South East Coast Ambulance employee personal and medical details exposed
Charlie Harman reports: The South East Coast Ambulance Service has experienced a massive data breach and has referred itself to a privacy watchdog. In May, the personal and medical details of all ambulance staff could have been seen by employees outside of senior management. Read more on KentOnline
Turkey: KVKK announces data breach suffered by Doctor’s office
From OneTrust DataGuidance: The Turkish data protection authority (‘KVKK’) announced, on 9 July 2020, a data breach suffered by Doctor Atadan Egemen Koyuncu. In particular, the KVKK highlighted that the data controller suffered a cyber attack on 5 July 2020 which affected the patient information system and that the violation was detected on the 6 July 2020. In…
Providence Health Plan notifies members after documents exposed by business associate coding error
June turned out to be a busy month for breach reports involving health/medical data. My worksheet has more than 50 entries and I’m still adding reports as I find them. Today, I found one from Providence Health Plan in Oregon that I thought I’d mention here as it impacted almost 50,000 plan members, and I…
Brazil’s Hapvida Discloses Cyber Breach, Potential Client Data Leak
Reuters reports: Brazilian health insurer Hapvida said in a securities filing on Monday it has suffered a cyber attack potentially involving access to the personal information of its customers. Hapvida said, after a preliminary assessment of the security breach, that the attackers did not access customers’ medical records or financial information. Read more on U.S….