Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBS) uses a vendor, Dane Street, to provide peer to peer reviews of insurance claims that are denied. On May 10, Dane Street notified BCBS that on April 9, law enforcement had notified them that a doctor who had been providing peer to peer reviews for them was not…
Category: Health Data
UK: Patient information stolen from Dorset HealthCare employee’s car
Josh Wright reports: The loss of medical information relating to as many as 50 patients has sparked fears about the security of people’s private records. Personal details belonging to between 11 and 50 patients of the trust which were kept on a notepad were stolen along with a laptop belonging to a Poole-based employee of…
Elmcroft Senior Living notifies residents and family members of hack
Elmcroft Senior Living is notifying an unspecified number of residents of a hacking incident that occurred on May 10 and that was discovered on May 12. According to a template of their notification letter submitted to the California Attorney General’s Office, the May 10 hack included files containing personal information about residents or their family…
BREAKING NEWS: Eleventh Circuit vacates FTC order against LabMD
The Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has vacated the Federal Trade Commission’s order: This is an enforcement action brought by the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “Commission”) against LabMD, Inc., alleging that LabMD’s data- security program was inadequate and thus constituted an “unfair act or practice” under Section 5(a) of the Federal Trade…
UK: Data breach at medical practice: Shock and disgust as 150 patients affected
Stuart Anderson reports: Patients are outraged after learning a staff member at a doctors’ practice had been inappropriately accessing their medical records. Holt Medical Practice has dismissed the employee and written to the roughly 150 patients affected to let them know about the breach and apologise. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) is now investigating after…
Cigna Error Revealed Customer Bank and Claims Data in Asia
Zachary Tracer reports: Cigna Corp. exposed private information including bank-account details of some customers in Asia due to a system error, the health insurer said. The company told Bloomberg it accidentally sent the information to some customers and health-care providers in early May. Sabrina Cheung, a Cigna spokeswoman, said that the situation affected a small…