In August, 2014, I noted a report involving a transcription contractor of Boston Medical Center exposing patient information on the Internet. BMC notified approximately 15,000 patients and fired MDF Transcription Services because of the incident. Of note, BMC told patients in a notification letter that it had no reason to believe their information had been misused…
Category: Health Data
NZ: Patients unaware staff prying in files
Martin Johnston reports: More than 70 upper North Island health workers have been disciplined for snooping into patients’ records in the past three years, and not all of the patients have been told. Most of the nosy staff – 61 – were at the Auckland District Health Board, where more than half of the disciplinary…
Hillsides, a Pasadena child welfare agency, warns of data breach
Brian Day reports on another insider breach involving a HIPAA-covered entity: A Pasadena child welfare agency has warned of a computer security breach that may have exposed the personal information of nearly 1,000 clients and staff members. Hillsides, 940 Avenue 64, announced the data breach Wednesday. It was first discovered Dec. 8, when Hillsides officials…
Few Consequences For Health Privacy Law’s Repeat Offenders
Regulators have logged dozens, even hundreds, of complaints against some health providers for violating federal patient privacy law. Warnings are doled out privately, but sanctions are imposed only rarely. Companies say they take privacy seriously. by Charles Ornstein and Annie Waldman ProPublica, Dec. 29, 2015, 4 a.m. This story was co-published with NPR’s Shots blog. When CVS Health customers complained…
Personal Info On Hundreds Of Oregon Veterans Compromised
Kristian Foden-Vencil reports: The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs says the personal information of hundreds of veterans may have been compromised. ODVA Director Cameron Smith said discharge and release papers may have been in the possession of an unauthorized person, but so far there’s no evidence of misuse. “A full investigation is pending … but…
Ca: New details about Calgary healthcare workers privacy breach
Brooks DeCillia reports: CBC News has uncovered new details about Calgary healthcare workers “inappropriately” accessing a patient’s information last fall. One Alberta Health Services (AHS) employee was fired and 47 disciplined for the alleged privacy breaches. Confidential AHS briefing notes — unearthed by CBC News through a freedom of information request — detail how officials investigated 160…