The Iceland Monitor reports: A Vietnamese national previously denied residence in Iceland owing to suspicions that her marriage was a sham will now be allowed to stay. Controversy has emerged over how the Directorate of Immigration received the information about the couple on which the previous decision to deny residence was based. According to the…
Category: Health Data
NV: Sunrise Hospital employees fired for violating Lamar Odom’s privacy- TMZ sources
TMZ reports: Lamar Odom was betrayed by several staffers at Sunrise Hospital in Vegas, and we’ve learned they’ve been summarily fired. We’re told the workers were all trying to sneak a photo of Lamar as he fought for his life inside the hospital. Our sources say some of them tried to access his medical records, in violation…
SC: Employee fired after Bon Secours St. Francis Health System data breach discovered
Liv Osby reports: An employee at Bon Secours St. Francis Health System has been terminated after hospital officials discovered that she had inappropriately accessed personal patient information. Hospital employees began reporting in July that their insurers had recorded unpaid balances and charges for a prescription cream, officials said in a statement. An investigation concluded on…
TX: Emergence Health Network notifies 11,100 mental health patients of possible PHI breach
First, their press release: (El Paso, Texas October 16, 2015) Emergence Health Network (EHN) is in the process of contacting individuals regarding an unauthorized disclosure of protected health information. An EHN computer server was compromised in August through an unauthorized internet connection. The affected computer server was disabled to minimize a compromise. It is not…
AR: Nephropath notifies patients of potential compromise of PHI
Little Rock-based Nephropathology Associates, PLC (“Nephropath”) notified HHS of a breach impacting 1,260 patients. In a substitute notice on their web site, they explain: On July 30, 2015 a Nephropath employee inadvertently transmitted a data-set including both Protected Health Information (PHI) and de-identified information to a vendor via unsecured e-mail. The vendor was the intended recipient of the…
OK: Indian Territory Home Health and Hospice, LLC, DBA “Aspire Home Care and Hospice” notifies patients of potential compromise of their information
A recent update to HHS’s public breach tool includes an incident affecting patients of Indian Territory Home Health and Hospice (“Aspire Home Health and Hospice”). From a statement on their web site: On August 10, 2015, Indian Territory Home Health and Hospice, LLC, DBA “Aspire Home Care and Hospice” learned that it was the target…